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CLEO Systems hosts first CLEO SOLO EPS User Group

Tuesday 21st May at techUK in London.

Published by CLEO Systems on 21/06/2024

CLEO Systems hosted its first CLEO SOLO EPS User Group on Tuesday 21st May at techUK in London.

All CLEO SOLO EPS customers were invited to attend the inaugural user group, which featured a range of presentations from both the CLEO Systems team and customer teams, and a series of workshops.

The CLEO Systems team also shared its product roadmap and the current inflight developments for Repeat and Homecare prescribing functionality. The workshops drilled down into reporting, clinical assessment requirements, and stock control requirements.

CLEO Systems has decided to hold EPS User Group meetings on a quarterly basis following the success of the recent event. The company aims to continue providing valuable opportunities for collaboration and knowledge-sharing among its users.

CLEO SOLO EPS is a stand-alone electronic prescribing solution for secondary care outpatient prescribing settings and works alongside electronic patient record systems. It digitises the process of sending FP10 prescriptions to community pharmacies and is achieving remarkable benefits for users, including a vastly improved patient experience as well as  the eradication of lost and stolen scripts, enhancing clinical safety.

Karen Ventura, Product Director at CLEO Systems says: "We would like to thank everyone who joined us for our first EPS User Group meeting in London last week, and to thank techUK for being a great host venue. The opportunity to engage with each of our customers and to receive such valuable feedback for our EPS solution was fabulous."